Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Who's Running For President? Part I

This is the first of several posts with links to sites by or about presidential candidates or their interests. Some of you will be old enough to vote in the next presidential election, which is both your right and privilege as a U.S. citizen. In 1980 I was only 17 and couldn't vote for president. Ronald Reagan was running against the incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, and an independent candidate, John Anderson. At that time if I could have voted, I would have voted for John Anderson. I'll bet a lot of people my age can't even remember his name or that Ted Kennedy gave Jimmy Carter a good challenge in the Democratic primaries. And the guy who gave Ronald Reagan a good challenge in the Republican primaries went on to become his Vice-President and then President. Who was that? He's father of our current president and his name is George Herbert Walker Bush. He famously called Ronald Reagan's economic position, based on the Laffer Curve, Voodoo Economics.

I don't know if you'll remember these guys below when you're my age, although I assume you will if one of them actually becomes our next president! The first five links are about Mike Gravel, former Senator from Alaska. The second group is Bill Richardson links. He's the current New Mexico Governor. Click on the title of today's post to see who I think has a better chance between them. Remember to register to vote!











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