Friday, April 6, 2007

Scottrade, Telluride, Venegas And More On The Net

I was pretty active online in the last day or so and finished a post about what we have accomplished at Scottrade and I found a great website for high schoolers along the way and a great Spanish language singer, Julieta Venegas. Love the net and Zune.

Click on the title of today's post to see what I said about our stocks and Scottrade. Anyone a future stockbroker out there? Future Investor?

BUT, the truly big deal for college bound sophomores and juniors is The Telluride Association.

If you have academic goals, you really should check out the website. Here's something a lot of pre-college people might be wondering about. Does it cost anything? No. Well, you do have to get yourself to the site, but what an incredible opportunity for six weeks [!] of college level work and creativity with other people your age. They really look at your entrance essay instead of your GPA!

Here are topics from previous TASP seminars:

I'm not really doing this justice. You do need to have some interest, so if you're at all curious, go over this site with a fine tooth comb!

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