Friday, May 4, 2007

Finding My Way From To

I just recently met someone while I was volunteering at Reality Changers who sent me a list of scholarships sites to check out. While in the process of doing that, I ran across a Tylenol Scholarship. I had some difficulty getting to the scholarships from the Tylenol site, but found after realizing that they had changed their name from Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America, Inc. to Scholarship America.

These are a couple of the sites that got me there.

Researching scholarships isn't always easy as not everyone is making an effort to improve the usability of their site. This blog is just beginning for me. If you have scholarships sites you want to let others know about, email me. I prefer links to the actual scholarship, like this one:

That way, you can see if that particular scholarship is for you and then you can click on a link to see more about that particular organization.

Click on the title of today's post to see another way to search scholarship sites.

Here's an article on the organization that became Scholarship America:

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